Saturday 23 February 2013

Put in motion your breathing…

Kokyu-ho (breathing excercice) and kokyu-nage (breath while throwing) have in common to be techniques focused on breathing (a beautiful essence of Aikido philosophy or any kind of martial arts). The act of breathing combines with the notion of timing while moving is particularly interesting to develop in your pratice. For example, at the end of Kokyu-nage, the act of throwing by Tori and the one being throwed as Uke , need to exhale calmly and always in motion….
I particularly favorite the kokyu-ho in suwari-waza, the connection between Tori and Uke requires good awareness to build good relationship…

Principle of explosive power...
From a very interesting blog:

"In order to generate Kokyu you must stand as if you are making your big toe sink into the surface of the ground".  -Gozo Shioda

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