Friday 1 February 2013

Goldfish memory (~why create a blog?)

Dear lovely Aikidoka friends!
The aim of this blog is not to give exhaustive lists and names of Aikido techniques, I believe that there are excellent websites on the web. It also has no aim to interpret Baruto’s nice lessons!
What I would like, it is simply to give a glimpse of what I am learning and discovering everytime I got the chance to pratice with all of you!  Each of you have an infinite variety of body posture, reaction, learning process and a story to tell...all of that is making Aikido an endless experience!
Of course, I will be happy to hear from you whenever you feel like sharing something! (It is highly possible that some mistakes had slipped in the blog, apologies in advance!).
Thanks you for reading me!
Much love, Juliette
(Sorry for not making this blog in Dutch, I hope slowly it will have a dutch touch!)

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